EastEnders episodes in Ireland

In 1997, the BBC soap opera EastEnders broadcast three singular transmissions that were filmed on location in Dublin, Ireland. The episodes involved the Fowler and Beale family travelling from London to the "Emerald Isle", to meet their long-lost relatives. They were badly received by viewers and heavily criticised in the media. The BBC was inundated with complaints from angry viewers from Ireland for negative stereotyping, portraying Irish people as "dirty, rude, and drunk".[1] Complaints were made by the Irish Embassy and there were fears that the episodes would have a negative effect on the Irish tourist trade. The BBC was forced to issue an apology for causing offence.[2]


Storyline development

In 1997, EastEnders aired a storyline in which the character Pauline Fowler (Wendy Richard) discovered that she had a long-lost sister, Maggie Flaherty. In the storyline, Pauline's deceased mother Lou had given Maggie up for adoption shortly after her birth, as she was born out of wedlock. Maggie was said to be the result of an illicit affair Lou had with an Irishman 60 years prior, but although Maggie was initially thought to be Pauline’s half sister, it later transpired that they shared the same father too; she was only the result of pre-marital sex between Lou and her husband-to-be, Albert Beale.

Pauline and various members of the Fowler and Beale family travelled to Ireland to reunite with their long-lost relatives in a special week of episodes. The episodes were filmed on location in the countryside around County Dublin, away from the soap's typical filming location in Borehamwood, Elstree, England.[3] They were filmed over a period of two weeks in July and August 1997, and were broadcast on 22, 23 and 25 September 1997. In the three episodes, Pauline was accompanied by her sons Mark and Martin (Todd Carty and James Alexandrou), Mark's wife Ruth (Caroline Paterson), nephew Ian Beale (Adam Woodyatt) and his daughter Lucy (Casey Anne Rothery). Speaking about their trip to Dublin, actress Wendy Richard who played Pauline said "It's nice to be in Dublin for a change. It's not like London at all, where they take you a little bit for granted", and Todd Carty, who played her screen son Mark, said "It's also really nice to get out of Albert Square for a while to do something different."[4]

A number of Irish actors were cast as Pauline's long-lost relatives, many of whom were starring in their first prominent television role.[4] They included Maggie Flaherty, played by Olivia Shanley, son Conor (Sean Gleeson) and his headstrong daughter Mary (Melanie Clark Pullen).[5] For the latter two characters, Conor and Mary, the Ireland episodes were only the beginning of their stint in EastEnders. Both characters remained in the serial as regulars, moving back to the soap's setting in Albert Square to be with the new found family. They remained on-screen for two years. At the time of filming the Ireland epiosodes, Gleeson, from Thurles, County Tipperary, said, "The EastEnders cast are all really nice people", and Shanley said, "I've always been a big fan of EastEnders and to tell the truth I was a bit star struck [...] But they made us all feel very much at ease."[4] Clark Pullen added, "I was expecting the cast to be luvvies but they were all brilliant — real grafters and totally down to earth. They were all very supportive as well and made me feel right at home. I was pretty starstruck [...] Wendy Richard who plays Pauline Fowler was great — she is the most wonderful woman and she quietly gave me advice on how to cope with the sudden fame and attention."[6] They were also joined by a host of other characters, including Maggie's husband Sean (Pat Laffan), second son Eamonn (Maurice O'Donoghue), Eamonn's wife Brenda (Janet Behan) and daughter Colette (Shiona Redmond).[4]


The episodes were not well received by viewers or the media. The BBC and the programme makers were heavily criticised for the stereotypical way they portrayed Irish people.[7] Viewers were angered by scenes that they felt portrayed Irish as resentful towards English, drunk, dirty, poor and rude — one scene showed a drunk man pouring beer over Pauline Fowler (later revealed to be her brother-in-law), and then demanding payment for the drink.[7] Others were angered by the scriptwriters decision to include various farm animals in a street scene on the outskirts of Dublin, with one viewer commenting to the Daily Mirror: "It was nothing like life in the real Ireland of today. When did you last see a donkey walking along our streets? The EastEnders production team haven't got a clue about modern Irish society; they are living in the Dark Ages."[2][7]

The BBC and RTÉ (the Public Service Broadcaster of Ireland) received complaints from angry Irish people all over Britain and Ireland, and it was reported that viewers "bombarded" local and national radio stations, claiming the episodes were an insult to Irish people everywhere.[7][8] Callers to Radio Ulster's Talkback programme and Gerry Ryan's morning talk show on RTÉ radio, demanded that the scriptwriters be sacked. BBC contributor Mike Philpott described the show as "the worst case of stage 'Oirish' seen for a long time" and "one of the most shameful half-hour episodes in the history of British television".[8]

The angry reaction stretched from official channels, such as the Irish Embassy, to holiday chiefs, who feared that the episodes would have a negative affect on tourist trade.[8][9] The Irish Embassy in London said, "[EastEnders] has caused a great deal of upset and annoyance in the country [Ireland] and with Irish people in Britain."[7] Furthermore, they suggested that the episodes "presented a prejudiced and stereotyped view of Ireland that [was] utterly unrecognisable."[7] Ted Barrington, Ireland's ambassador to the UK, described the portrayal of Ireland as an "unrepresentative caricature", stating he was worried by the negative stereotypes and the images of drunkenness, backwardness and isolation.[10] He added, "EastEnders is a powerful and very concentrated medium … People are upset at the caricature and misrepresentation of Ireland. Irish people can laugh at themselves but, the point is, this is one of the most popular programmes on British television, and it decided to present an image of Ireland that conforms to old-fashioned negative stereotypes. It selected an unrepresentative range of stereotypes. Cultural and racial stereotyping tends to create barriers between people."[10]

Mark Mortell, the chairman of Ireland's national tourism development, Bord Fáilte, said: "I am enormously concerned that the single biggest television audience in Britain was shown a negative image of Irish hospitality … It has the potential to be enormously damaging."[7][8] His colleague, John Lahiffe, added: "I am dismayed by the mischievous nature of it. We go to great efforts to promote this country, but it was in no way representative of Ireland."[7]

Various Irish entertainers and sports personalities also went public with their opinions on the episodes. Broadcaster Gerry Kelly labelled the episodes racist, and an unmitigated disaster.[11] The Irish actors, who were employed specifically for the storyline, were also criticised by Kelly for not speaking out against the scenes they were enacting. He accused them of selling out their heritage and denigrating their fellow-countrymen.[11] Comic Brendan O'Carroll said, "Whoever wrote the script has obviously never been to Ireland. I'm very disappointed because EastEnders is a programme I have great respect for. It is outrageous and untrue to portray us like that. I'm disappointed the producers allowed it to be broadcast as it was."[7] Former jockey and TV presenter Declan Murphy said, "It's wrong and disgraceful when writers portray everyone from Ireland as backward drunks. I am an Irishman and I'm proud of it, but I'm not a drunk and I'm certainly not backward and neither are my compatriots."[7] Actor Garret Keogh, who played an "ignorant" Irish hotel owner in the EastEnders episodes, revealed: "The streets around Cabra, where I live, are hopping. I went down to get the paper and some bread and I was accosted. The script has stirred up a hell of a hornets' nest here. I'm only an actor, but I wouldn't want to do anything that would be demeaning to me, my people or my country."[7] However, actor Dermot Morgan urged Irish people not to overreact: "I'm sure there's no great conspiracy against Irish people here. The BBC have a good track record and this would seem to be a dodgy storyline that has somehow crept through. As for being drunks, surely they must only mean on a Saturday night!"[7][12]

Complaints were upheld by the British Broadcasting Standards Commission, who said "the intention was positive rather than negative but the result was clumsy and irritating".[9] The BBC said, "EastEnders has a reputation for showing slices of life in many different ways and sometimes these are not flattering",[7] but they admitted that the episodes were "ill-judged" and issued a public apology for causing offence and misrepresenting Irish people.[9][12] Jana Bennett, the BBC's then director of production, stated on BBC1's news bulletin: "It is clear that a significant number of viewers have been upset by the recent episodes of EastEnders, and we are very sorry, because the production team and programme makers did not mean to cause any offence." A year later, in 1998, BBC chairman Christopher Bland admitted that as result of the Irish-set EastEnders episodes, the station failed in its pledge to represent all groups accurately and avoid reinforcing prejudice.[13]

Characters introduced

Flaherty family

Albert Beale
Louise Medeemey
Sean Flaherty
Margaret Medeemey
Conor Flaherty
Eamonn Flaherty
Thomas Flaherty
John Flaherty
Mary Flaherty
Colette Flaherty
Eamonn Flaherty Jr
Declan Flaherty
Kylie Flaherty
Carl Flaherty

Maggie Flaherty

Maggie Flaherty
EastEnders character
Portrayed by Olivia Shanley
Duration 1997
First appearance 22 September 1997
Last appearance 25 September 1997
Occupation Housewife

Margaret "Maggie" Flaherty (née Medeemey) was born illegitimately to Louise Medeemey before Lou's marriage to Albert Beale. She was given up for adoption, as she was born out of wedlock, and was sent to live with a family in Ireland.

In 1996, eight years after Lou died in 1988, her youngest daughter Pauline found a letter from Lou to her best friend Ethel, revealing that she had a secret daughter. Pauline and her family tried to find Maggie, and when they did, they visited her in Kilmoneen, Ireland.

Whilst in Ireland, Maggie's lecherous husband Sean flirted with Pauline, and was abusive to his granddaughter, Mary. When Pauline and her family left, taking Mary with them, she begged Maggie to leave Sean and return to Walford with her, but Maggie decided to stay and look after her vast family. This was the last time she was seen. Her all grown up family sent a wreath to Pauline's funeral in 2006.

Sean Flaherty

Sean Flaherty
EastEnders character
Portrayed by Pat Laffin
Duration 1997
First appearance 22 September 1997
Last appearance 25 September 1997

Sean Flaherty, portrayed by Pat Laffin, is first seen as a lecherous drunk in a pub in the Irish village of Kilmoneen. Sean leered over Pauline's breasts and tried to buy her a drink, only to be told to leave her alone by Ian. He later went over to Pauline and tried to touch her, spilling stout on her. He was then thrown out of the bar.[14]

Later, when Pauline was at Maggie's house, and her eldest son Eamonn brought his father home, Pauline was shocked to see that Maggie was married to Sean.[14]

Eamonn later told Sean of his granddaughter Mary's affair with married man Gerry McCrae. Maggie raced to Mary's school to collect her before violent Sean could get to her. She begged Pauline to take Mary back to Walford with her. Pauline got Sean drunk until he fell asleep and then helped Maggie pack Mary's clothes.[15]

As Pauline, Mary and the family left Kilmoneen, Sean staggered into the road to try to stop the car, and stop Mary from leaving. Mark got out of the car and punched Sean in the groin, and they sped off in the car, leaving Sean doubled over in pain.[15]

Conor Flaherty

Mary Flaherty

Eamonn Flaherty

Eamonn Flaherty
EastEnders character
Portrayed by Maurice O'Donoghue
Duration 1997
First appearance 22 September 1997
Last appearance 25 September 1997

Eamonn Flaherty, portrayed by Maurice O'Donoghue, is Pauline Fowler's nephew — the eldest son of her long-lost sister Maggie and her husband Sean.

Eamonn was unwelcoming to his long-lost relatives, and extremely loyal to his drunken father. He defended his father's bullying to his long-lost cousin Ian Beale, and they nearly came to blows because of this. According to the Kilmoneen hotelier, Patrick, Eamonn had been on the receiving end of his father's abuse as a child and was severely whipped with a belt for stealing chocolate. Patrick commented, "you don't break the commandments, not in Sean's house". Even though he was of aware of the potential repercussions, Eamonn informed his father that his niece Mary had been having an affair with a married man, and Sean was furious. Maggie feared for her safety, so she sent her to London to live with Pauline.

Brenda Flaherty

Brenda Flaherty
EastEnders character
Portrayed by Janet Behan
Duration 1997
First appearance 22 September 1997
Last appearance 25 September 1997

Brenda Flaherty, portrayed by Janet Behan, was Maggie's daughter-in-law, married to her son Eamonn, and mother to his children, Colette, Eamonn and Kylie.

She was sent to collect Pauline and her family and take them to meet Maggie.

She was lazy and smelly; Mary said she needed a bath. She was too lazy to collect her son, Eamonn, from choir practice, and sent Martin and Colette to get him.

Colette Flaherty

Colette Flaherty
EastEnders character
Portrayed by Shiona Redmond
Duration 1997
First appearance 22 September 1997
Last appearance 25 September 1997
Date of birth circa 1985

Colette Flaherty, portrayed by Shiona Redmond is the eldest daughter of Eamonn and Brenda Flaherty.

Colette was the same age as her first cousin once removed, Pauline's son, Martin, and the pair hit it off. This was only a holiday romance however, as Martin left with his family the following week. Colette hasn't been seen or heard from since.

Eamonn Flaherty Jr.

Eamonn Flaherty
EastEnders character
Portrayed by Seán Walsh
Duration 1997
First appearance 23 September 1997
Last appearance 25 September 1997
Occupation Choir boy

Eamonn Flaherty, played by Seán Walsh,[16] is the son of Eamonn (after whom he was named) and Brenda Flaherty. Eamonn was witness to the first kiss between Colette and Martin, when they went to collect him from choir practice.

Other family members

Character(s) Circumstances
John Flaherty Son of Sean and Maggie Flaherty. He worked as a labourer, using a road drill. He never spoke, which his niece Mary said she didn't mind, as the house was noisy enough as it was. She later said she thought he had had a lobotomy.
Declan Flaherty The middle child of Eamonn and Brenda Flaherty. He was not old enough to go to school. His mother nagged his grandmother, Maggie, to make dinner sooner so that Declan could go out, which she did, leaving Pauline worried about Maggie's family treating her as a slave.
Carl Flaherty The youngest of Eamonn and Brenda Flaherty's five children. He was mischievous, always running around with his elder sister Kylie, getting under everyone else's feet.
Kylie Flaherty Youngest daughter of Eamonn and Brenda Flaherty, the fourth of their five children. She ran around a lot with her younger brother, Carl, getting under everyone's feet. She took a telephone message from her uncle Conor, saying that he would be back late from fishing with Ruth Fowler and Lucy Beale, but failed to pass it on, sparking a huge search for them.

Other characters

Gerry McCrae

Gerry McCrae
EastEnders character
Portrayed by Simon O'Gorman
Duration 1997
First appearance 22 September 1997
Last appearance 23 September 1997
Occupation Shopkeeper

Gerry McCrae was the shopkeeper in Kilmoneen, the Irish village where the Flaherty family lived.

Gerry was a married man, but was secretly having an affair with Mary Flaherty. He told Mary he was leaving his wife to be with her, but Mary ended their relationship publicly, and the local bartender, Patrick, heard their argument and told Mary's uncle, Eamonn. Eamonn couldn't wait to tell his violent, alcoholic father Sean, which led to Mary's departure from the village, scared of what Sean would do to her.

Character(s) Actor Circumstances
Patrick Garrett Keogh The hotelier and pub landlord in Kilmoneen village. He refused to let the Fowlers stay at his hotel initially, as he had booked their rooms under the name "Towler". He knew the Flahertys and mediated between them and the Fowlers when they got into arguments.
Flynn Noel O'Donovan Fisherman who refused to let Conor, Ruth and Lucy use his boat. Conor took it anyway, but the tide turned and they could not get back to the dock. Sea rescue was called out to search for them.


  1. ^ "Italy's Square deal; LAST NIGHT'S VIEW", The Mirror. URL last accessed on 2007-07-18.
  2. ^ a b Summerskill, Ben (2001-10-07). "No soft soapbox". The Guardian. http://observer.guardian.co.uk/comment/story/0,,564651,00.html. Retrieved 2007-12-11. 
  3. ^ "EastEnders' stars arrive in the Emerald Isle". The News Letter (Belfast, Northern Ireland). 1997-07-23. http://www.highbeam.com/doc/1G1-61088991.html. Retrieved 2007-12-11. 
  4. ^ a b c d Taylor, Richie (1997-07-23). "Albert Square's touch of Blarney as the Fowlers find lost family; EASTENDER PAULINE COMES WEST". The Mirror. http://www.highbeam.com/doc/1G1-61076383.html. Retrieved 2007-12-11. 
  5. ^ "I felt so lonely and isolated when I went to work on EastEnders", Sunday Mirror. URL last accessed on 2007-03-31.
  6. ^ Doherty, Amanda (2000-01-02). "MY LIFE WITHOUT SOAP: Interview - Melanie Clark Pullen". Sunday Mirror. http://findarticles.com/p/articles/mi_qn4161/is_20000102/ai_n9706465. Retrieved 2007-12-11. 
  7. ^ a b c d e f g h i j k l m Kierans, John (1997-09-24). "WHAT A LOAD OF PORK PIES; Ireland's full of drunkards, dimwits and donkeys according to EastEnders". The Mirror. http://www.highbeam.com/doc/1G1-61058550.html. Retrieved 2007-12-11. 
  8. ^ a b c d "Irish Eastenders' fans in a lather over soap Oirish over Dublin". The News Letter (Belfast, Northern Ireland). 1997-09-24. http://www.highbeam.com/doc/1G1-61144901.html. Retrieved 2007-12-11. 
  9. ^ a b c Tallant, Nicola (1997-09-28). "Soap rapped for 'irritating' Irish scenes". The Mirror. http://www.highbeam.com/doc/1G1-61066865.html. Retrieved 2007-12-11. 
  10. ^ a b "Soap does the dirty on Éire says envoy". The News Letter (Belfast, Northern Ireland). 1997-09-25. http://www.highbeam.com/doc/1G1-61151274.html. Retrieved 2007-12-11. 
  11. ^ a b Kelly, Gerry (1997-09-28). "I blame Irish actors for selling us short". The People. http://www.highbeam.com/doc/1G1-61112421.html. Retrieved 2007-12-11. 
  12. ^ a b Kierans, John (1997-09-24). "BEEB'S APOLOGY FOR TV INSULT TO IRISH". The Mirror. http://www.highbeam.com/doc/1G1-61058551.html. Retrieved 2007-12-11. 
  13. ^ BBC sets out pledges, BBC News. URL last accessed 2007-06-21.
  14. ^ a b "MON 22-SEP-97", walford.net. URL last accessed 2007-03-07
  15. ^ a b "THU 25-SEP-97", walford.net. URL last accessed 2007-03-07
  16. ^ . http://www.actorsandmovers.com/males/sean_froudist-walsh.html%7CActors and movers agent. Retrieved 12 August 2010. 

Further reading